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Rianna is currently performing the Manage Team process, which includes managing conflict. This process is concerned with tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and managing team changes to optimize project performance.
Юрий Фамилия
3 years ago
отличное приложение, помогает готовиться, спасибо разработчикам!!!
Marc Lum Lock
2 years ago
Thus far it has been very helpful. The various situations really get you to think as a PM and consider the tricky ones as well. I do have a concern, though. Seeing that the edition for the exam has recently changed to the 7th edition, would the app also be updated to fit thosd new domains etc? I'd like to ensure I'm following the appropriate material
Christian-Marc G AKA_Sounouvi
2 years ago
Aide pour apprendre et se préparer à l'examen... Let's hope nothing will make me change my statement Merci